Wednesday, August 6, 2014


You know my passion for the 9HealthFair, though I try to tone it down a bit on the blog.  I've been a volunteer since 1997 and in the last ten years it has become a very big part of my life.  Three years ago, my school was lucky enough to be approved to host our own Family9HealthFair.  Our Family Wellness Coordinator is pretty passionate about helmets for traumatic brain injury (TBI) prevention, so we've always offered free bike helmets to kids at our fair.

Unfortunately, our budget is running a little tight this year and we can't buy the number of helmets we'd like to (25), so she put together a gofundme account and we hope to raise $500 dollars to purchase new helmets.

I hate to beg, but this is something very near and dear to my heart, so if you can donate even just a dollar, that would help us in our efforts to keep Northern Colorado's children safe.


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