Saturday, March 8, 2025

The Magical Potting Shed, Part 4

While we ladies managed to get Maggie's roof on, albeit askew, Maggie had a bit of a mullet going on. The roofing tin that we found was much too long, but none of us had the expertise to cut it, so we left it for Chief to do the next time he came to visit.

The roofing panels were about 5' too long.

I did the tiniest bit of research and found that I needed to buy a different saw blade to cut the metal safely. Holy cow, that was expensive, but I wanted Chief to be as safe as possible while cutting these back. Ashinator laughed at me when I insisted on keeping my trauma kit within reach while Chief was doing the cutting. I don't know what it is about cutting metal with a circular saw that terrifies me, but I didn't breathe easy until he was done.

She looks much better without a mullet.

After the Chief finished with the roof, he framed in and hung the last non-negotiable from my list: the door. I learned a lesson from Whimsy, and made sure that the door was hung with the hinges on the right so I wouldn't have to work the hose around the open door to get it into the shed.

With the door, Chief had completed the project I laid out for him. Jay and I spent one evening replacing the broken window panes, and once that was done, Maggie was as ready as she could be for winter.

My plan for Maggie, besides acting as a potting shed, is for her to double as a "guest room" for those times when the kids want to crash at our place. Our house is far too small for any overnight guests, so it'll be Maggie to the rescue. 

Trying out Maggie's camping cot.

It's tight, but Maggie will fit an oversized camping cot and a twin air mattress. She'll function as a place to sleep and that's about it, but it's better than nothing. Nebalee and a dear friend of mine tried it out after a movie night in October. It was cold, but they did manage to sleep in there with a space heater.

Every magical place needs a dragon night light.

My to-do list, which I need to complete before April, includes cutting in another window along the back wall for more light, adding insulation, and putting OSB up on the inside to finish the walls. I still need to sand and seal the potting bench, but that shouldn't take more than half a day.

And, of course, both Whimsy and Maggie need painted to finish complete them. That, I hope to have done no later than the end of June. I'd love for it to be earlier, but Colorado spring weather can be complicated.

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