I was desperate to do everything just right for Natasha and Yelena. I protected them as well as I could over the winter, going so far as to buy a gas generator and heat lamp for Whimsy to keep them warm.
Doesn't she look amazing? |
March 2024 came along, and things started warming up. After we'd had a run of days in the 60s, it felt like the world was going to warm up. I had read that the prime time to trim pomegranates was early spring. I've never pruned a thing in my life, but I went ahead and trimmed back the branches by 1/3 as directed.
Except ...
The branches were dried out and looked dead, so I trimmed back a little more over time, trying to find the living plant tissue.
And, well, have you ever tried to trim your own bangs? You know how that turns into an absolute disaster?
Yeah, well ...
My sister-in-law gave me these amazing plant signs, and they were so fitting! |
Even though I loved Natasha and Yelena, even I had to consider that I'd loved them too much and trimmed them back far enough to possibly kill them. I hoped against hope that they'd be able to recover, but I'm also a realist and so I ordered two new plants. At best, I'd end up with four pomegranate plants, at worst, I'd have two.
I ordered from a different nursery, for no other reason than their ad popped up somewhere. I ordered the 3 gallon size this time, instead of the 1 gallon, thinking that the larger size and age would give them a better fighting chance. My Marvel superhero names had apparently failed, but these new girls were going to have to be superhero badasses as well, so I flipped to DC and named them after the Amazons: Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), and her Aunt Antiope.
I got super excited when I found some green growth in both Natasha and Yelena's tires, and dared to hope that they were rebounding. I kept a really close eye on the shoots and went to Google images to see if they matched a "newborn" pomegranate.
Google images gave me so much hope! |
While I was hoping and praying that Natasha and Yelena would make it through their hack job, I was doing my best to keep my Wonder Women alive. Both Diana and Antiope had a bit of transplant shock, and I get it! They came from a beautiful greenhouse in Georgia, only to end up in Colorado. Diana came through beautifully. Antiope threw a temper tantrum and refused to live in Colorado's cold, dry climate.
"I don't wanna, and you can't make me!" |
I kept an eye on Natasha and Yelena, but was more than a little disappointed when my "pomegranate shoots" turned out to be weeds. I was sure they couldn't possibly be weeds, since I had planted soil straight from the bag in to the tires, and there was commercial grade weed barrier under the tires. The green stuff just had to be baby pomegranates.
This is NOT a pomegranate! Stupid weeds. |
I yanked the weeds out in anger, but I wasn't quite ready to give up yet. So I kept fertilizing and watering the stumps that were formerly Natasha and Yelena. My effort paid off! Yelena hatched an honest-to-God branch.
Natasha did not. I finally had to admit to myself that I'd killed her.
RIP Natasha, I tried. |
I dug up Natasha and found that her taproot had been dead a while. She had a couple of baby roots that were still kind of hanging in there, but the taproot was a goner. Luckily, Diana was doing well, she rebounded nicely and even popped a few little blossoms.
As pretty as Diana's blossoms were, I didn't let her keep them. She needed to work on growing herself, not fruits. I enjoyed them for a couple of days, then pinched them off.
Yelena's little off-shoot shriveled up and died by the middle of July, so I prepared myself to say goodbye to her as well. However, when I went to dig her up, I realized that her taproot was still full of life. I gave her a quick dunking in root hormone and covered her back up with a promise to leave her be until at least June of this year. She may yet pull through.
My biggest take-away from this learning experience is to not name my plants after superheroes that died in the movies. Seriously, I loved Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), but she up and sacrificed herself for the greater good. Antiope sacrificed herself to save Diana.