Sunday, February 16, 2025

Planting in Whimsy

LE and I were both so excited to have a greenhouse to start our plants in come Spring of 2024. I was beside myself, thinking I was going to be a "real" gardener and start things from seed!

LE found an old cart in her shed, and bought everything we needed to start our garden in the greenhouse. We spent a delightful afternoon, scooping soil, tenderly placing seeds, and labeling. 

LE's perfect little garden cart.

LE placing the labels and getting ready to mist the soil.

LE had lots of things she wanted to start, but I only had one thing in mind: San Marzano tomatoes. Jay uses San Marzanos when he makes his marinara and I wanted to grow some. Over the summer of 2023, while we were building Whimsy, I had planted four of them, but they struggled and I got less than a quart bag of 'maters for the freezer. I was determined to do better in '24.

I did not do better. 

Turns out, while I intended Whimsy to be a greenhouse, and she had lots of windows and happiness, she still wasn't warm enough over night to help our seeds germinate.

A day or two after we planted the seeds, LE ended up having to take them into her house and put them in a sunny window.

I decided right then and there that we needed a potting shed!

Even LE's life-saving measures of taking the trays of seed into the house weren't enough to salvage most of what we planted. 

Nebalee wanted a San Marzano, so I planted one and gave it to her. It didn't have time to fail in Whimsy, and it ended up being an amazing plant for her - she got tons of tomatoes from it. 

Nebalee's San Marzanos produced and produced!

Ours? Never germinated.

We ended up having to buy plants - a huge failure in my eyes. I was determined to grow from seed. I mean, it's a necessary skill for the zombie apocalypse, right? How am I going to feed myself and have food to barter with if I have to buy seedlings from a store?

I found someone nearby who had managed to start some from seed.

They loved living in Whimsy for a bit

I got a few 'maters until Blossom End Rot got them.
I guess I loved these guys a little too much, too. 

Welcome to LE's Enchanted Tomato Jungle!
Her tomato seedlings grew like wildfire!

Tomatoes weren't the only thing I wanted to grow from seed. I had some amazing corn and popcorn I wanted to grow, but that was a direct sow into the ground, and I waited until after Mother's Day to plant those.

I'd also decided that I wanted to grow sunflowers to pretty up our propane tank. There had been irises there, but they hadn't come up in the last couple of years, so I went ahead with the sunflowers.

I did okay with the direct sowing. I got a few ears of corn from the sweet corn I'd planted, and the sunflowers came up. 

You can see the holes in the leaves from the plague of locusts
(okay, they were grasshoppers, but same thing).
Why grow yellow sweet corn when you can grow
Blue Jade sweet corn?

I even managed to keep the concord grapes alive, and planted some kiwi berries that managed to live through the summer. Only time will tell if the kiwi berries wintered well.

The Gremlin is the cutest garden helper

Kiwi berries

I wasn't a complete gardening failure.

Maybe my black thumb is trending toward brown. 

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