Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Whimsical Treehouse

Pretty quickly after we started working on the greenhouse, we started calling it the treehouse, since it was going to house the pomegranate trees. Also, the treehouse's personality came out, and she's definitely a she.

The big panes of glass that Mom brought down from the Lodge were the easiest windows to install. We had some help from the boys, and it went quickly. 

What took the most time was finding other windows to use. Facebook Marketplace was my savior. I found free windows in LaPorte that Mom and I picked up, and then I found a few really cool old windows in Cheyenne for cheap. I picked up a few others here and there along the way.

The freebies were a great find, but they were a bunch of different sizes.

We went shopping at LE Depot and found some planks to fill in the gaps.

In order to seal the cracks in the pallets, I used spray foam.
As you can tell, I am a pro at it.

Fitting the windows in was like putting a puzzle together.

By the time we were putting the windows in the north side of the treehouse, it was July. Natasha and Yelena had moved into their home in May, so we were working around them. I'd also planted some tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets, and some concord grapes in tires Mom and I found along the road one day.

Free is good, right?

I found some old hog fence and t-posts to use as a trellis for the grapes.

One day, I was lamenting to LE that the treehouse didn't look quite like I'd imagined, with its windows of all shapes and sizes. She told me that she loved it, that it was "whimsical", and just like that The Whimsical Treehouse was born. We are definitely a nickname family, so the greenhouse's name got shortened to Whimsy rather quickly. 

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