I have yet to travel to meet any blogger friends, they've all pretty much come to us (thank goodness Mom and Bill have the lodge, which is a natural meeting place) and I think it takes some big ole hairy cojones to travel, in some cases, halfway across the nation to visit.
In August, we had High Country Rendezvous, in which we met Rachel (and Momma P) from Once Upon A Miracle and Killlashandra (and her fabulous hubby) from Southwest Mementos.
In October, we had Mrs Mom and Mr Mrs Mom from Oh HorseFeathers! and LT and Meg from Browneyed Cowgirls.
This week, we've had Momma Fargo and Bug (yes, you read that right - jealous much?) from The Boogie Man Is My Friend and T!nK from This Is How It Feels.

Okay, I haven't uploaded the pictures from today yet, but stay tuned, they'll be a comin'.
They've all been fabulous! We've had the best time together. If you have a bloggy friend who you want to meet, don't hesitate. You might miss out. And then you'd be sad.
And isn't it GREAT that you have been able to spend time with the folks at "It's a Horse Life"? Oh wait- your set up the blog and brow-beat us into doing this, didn't you. Well, all good anyway. We've enjoyed it, too.
Ha! We enjoyed it too Bill. And I daresay you might have laughed just as much as GunDiva that weekend :)
And as always - HRC photos make me want to borrow someone's elliptical machine for 419 hours or so.
Now all of these friends are coming to HRC 2011, right??? :)
Jealous much? Uuuhhh YEAH!!!!
Momma Fargo AND T!nk in the same day??? DAYUM girl!!!
Rachel we are going to do our best to make HCR 2011. I can't wait to meet you and Mr Daddy!!
How much fun that must have been? Where does your family have a lodge?What is it called? No, I am not coming to visit, but I thought my son and his family could go there. They live in Colorado Springs. They really prefer camping the old fashioned way.
I definitely enjoyed meeting you at the Writers' Police Academy.
Terry's Place
Romance with a Twist--of Mystery
I didn't even mention the great bloggers I met at WPA! Oh my goodness, please forgive me!
I also got to meet Terry Odell who is amazing; Sophie Littlefield who is so warm and bubbly; and Lee Lofland, who may kill me if I say he's warm and bubbly (but he kind of is).
NJ is going to buy me a pink gun for Christmas. I think you should come to Texas and teach me how to shoot it, thereby decreasing the odds of me shooting him or blowing off one of my cute painted toes.
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