Sunday, September 5, 2010

Is This Not The Sweetest Thing Ever?

So far this Labor Day weekend has been pretty darn good.  Went shooting with Tara, took Monster up to the Lodge to work this weekend and got to shoot in a Defensive Pistol competition this morning.  I'd say this weekend has been fabulous!

Monster is my problem child; he's not always easy to get along with and has a huge chip on his shoulder.  He's my skater boy, attitude and all, has been in and out of trouble and chooses to live with his father's mother-in-law.  No matter what, he's my baby and I love him (even when there are times I'd like to kill him myself).

Then there are things like this:

...and this...

...and especially this...

...that make my heart so happy.

Estes has claimed Monster as her boy.  Monster can do no wrong as far as Estes is concerned - whatever he asks, she does.  When we arrived at the Lodge Friday night and walked over to tell the horses hi, her head popped up, ears forward and she made eye contact with Monster and nickered.  My horse barely nickers at me, but she was just beside herself to see Monster.  I ceased to exist Friday night.

In fact, watching the two of them, I felt the bond that they have and offered to let Monster ride her.  So here's the thing - Monster doesn't ride.  He's not much of a horse guy.  But he's definitely an Estes guy.

None of the other kids have ridden Estes - they've not been interested.  Monster, though, couldn't wait to get up on her...

Yup, that's my Monster up on my horse.  I had to borrow Bill's horse Ranger to go out.

Really, there are good days. 

And there are really good days.

And then there are perfect days.

Love you Monster and Estes - thanks for taking care of each other.


Janet said...

Awwww...what great pictures!

Fearless_Fabulous_Gayle said...

That is awesome! I love how animals pick certain people that they mesh with. I haven't been around horses much, but I have seen dogs react to people this way.

Such great pics:) I am glad that Monster and Estes love each other so much... It is probably good for Monster, I am sure it makes him feel extra special!

Finding Pam said...

What a great post! The things we will do for our kids.

Rachel said...

Awww! That totally hit the sweet factor. I am so glad for their connection!

Candance said...

Sooo, sooo sweet. It's awesome that they love each other like that.

Aunt Crazy said...

Reading this made me smile. These young men, just boys really, some of them struggle so hard to find their way. They kick and scream and fight away so much of the love and nurturing they NEED, but in the long run, most of them will be OK, it's become my mantra for a few boys like this that I know, HE WILL BE OK!!! Your Monster, he'll find his way and he will be ok too. I know you know this. Him and that horse, the bond they share, it's amazing!