Thursday, January 14, 2010

Making The World A Better Place...

...Two Phlebotomists, four Medical Assistants, and one Pharmacy Technician at a time!

The best part of my job is when I know that I've done the best I can for my students.  I set the bar high for them and expect them to put in the work to make it and it's an amazing feeling when they do.  Yesterday was the day that I sent my "babies" off to slaughter - I mean to sit for their National Certification exams.

For two to three heart wrenching hours, I have to let my babies, whom I've cursed, cajoled, threatened and cried over out of my control while they take their National Certification Exams.  I pace like a daddy outside the birthing room the whole time they're in with that other person, the test proctor.

The stress is different than what I usually feel.  For the students that I directly had a hand in teaching and bringing along, I worry that there was something important that I forgot to teach them that will make or break their certification.  For the students that I didn't directly have a hand in teaching, I worry that I didn't give their instructor enough information or support and therefore have failed the students in that aspect. 

The certification tests are HARD and they're supposed to be; you wouldn't want anyone working on you or your family members who didn't have to pass a stringent exam, but it still breaks my heart when I have a student who I know works his/her ass off and just barely misses their certification.  It always makes me want to cry when one of my babies doesn't pass their first time through.

And just because, here's today's workout:

  • 15 minutes interval training on the elliptical machine (levels 1 and 8)

  • 2 sets of 20 reps standing alternating bicep curls (10#)

  • 2 sets of 20 reps standing alternating tricep extentions (10#)

  • 2 sets of 10 reps standing front raises (anterior deltoid) (10#)

  • 2 sets of 20 reps vertical crunches

I was short on time, so I cut out some of my cardio.  Knowing that muscle burns more calories, I've decided to incorporate more weightlifting in my workouts, which I love.  Probably next week, I'll switch to fifteen minutes of cardio, thirty minutes of lifting, and finish with fifteen minutes of cardio, which ensures that I keep my heart rate up for the entire hour I'm working out. 

I also "super set" when I lift, moving from one exercise to another, so for example I'll do my bicep curls, then tricep extensions, then front raises, then crunches, and then rest for 30 seconds before starting my super set again.  My trainer turned me on to the super sets when I ran into time issues, because it allows one set of muscles to rest without while you're working another set without having to stop exercise.


Allenspark Lodge said...

Is there a time period your students have to wait before they can test again?

GunDiva said...

As of January 31, they only have to waith 30 days instead of the 3 months.

Dual Mom said...

What do you teach? Are you at a med school?

I need to work on weights more. I like the cardio more than the weights. Have done three hours of cardio so far this week!

GunDiva said...

DM - Three hours of cardio?! That's awesome. I'm not sure that I can keep myself entertained that long.

Candance said...

Okay, hearing about your workouts is really making me want to go. I wonder if I'll still want to, once I get over this freaking cold?

I hope your students did well!

Rachel said...

Oy - we could really use some of your talented students at the medical center I recently wrote about. I had to laugh at your comments.

And YES - I HAVE done that before! Repeated right back to someone what they thought they were saying in secret... lipreading can be fun! Oh yes, and don't forget that pageant smile! :)

Best wishes for your students!

GunDiva said...

Rachel, oh I wish my students/grad could help straighten up your clinic. And I was serious when I said that I'd personally march down to the office and kick their little butts if I ever found out they treated a patient that way.