I, however, am not that brave. Nor am I that talented at manipulating photos. I tried to do the whole writing on the photo thing and it didn't work out so well for me, so what you get is "Limited Exposure"; the most recent, fully clothed, full body photo I could find. I've been avoiding the camera like the plague, and was thoroughly disgusted by these photos until I looked at them with fresh eyes, thanks to Michelle.
Belly, Butt and Hips: Have carried and birthed three healthy children.
Legs and Feet: Have ridden countless miles both in a saddle and bareback. Have carried me through cities in England, Scotland, Ireland and Italy. Have provided me with hours of fun with my friends playing soccer.
I'm constantly telling my kids when they complain that they need to name five positive things, even if it's "the sky is blue today", just so that they get in the habit of looking at things in a more positive manner. Problem is, I've been guilty of looking at the bad side of my body and forgetting to look at all of the great things it has helped me to accomplish.
K. Erickson over at Preachers and Horse Thieves will probably reach through cyberspace and slap me upside the head, because he's been telling me ever since I started with LIB that my attitude sucks. Though he's too much of a gentleman to actually say those words. So, K., I'm listening.
I've seen Michelle's blog and so badly want to do a post like that, but haven't figured out how to get the picture right without actually having to get someone to take it for me. That I won't do.
Thanks for inspiring me to see the positive!
Excellent. Post.
Thanks for the un-intentional head slap GD. I needed that!
It doesn't take a buncha skin to expose yourself. Way to go...
Consider yourself headslapped, but I never said your attitude sucks...I think. I am all in favor of getting in shape to be healthier even if I don't always follow my own advice.
I do take issue with body image issues unconnected to reality. I'd like to have 6 pack abs and monster guns to make Arnold jealous, but my body type don't build muscle that way.
Your post reminds me of Jamie Lee Curtis' photo shoot from a few years ago for one of the snotty magazines where she posed "as is" and refused to allow any touchups.
If you ain't healthy, do something about it (do as I say, not as I do). If you are healthy, Good Lord be thankful for every precious moment you have 'cause it can be taken away in a heartbeat.
Girlie - we ALL need to do that. To quit picking apart our bodies and appreciate what we put them through. Thanks for the reminder. (Quite frankly, a certain part of my skinny-challenged anatomy is happier no place else than when it's plopped into a saddle :)
Awesome post - I thik I might do something similar, and link back. What a great way to remember to stay positive!
I really hope my stomach looks that good after dropping 100 pounds. Please, God, let it look even half that good! lol
so umm yeah.
sometimes, you need to look in the mirror every morning and say.... I'm THE shit.
try it. its enlightening. haha.
but really.... you're the shit. thats a good thing.
When I lose 100 lbs, I'm doing this. What a great idea..and a much needed head slap. Thanks for the inspiration!
I seriously don't think I could take a revealing photo and think positive anything! I give her credit, but she's lost alot of weight and SHOULD be proud!!
You can do this, too!! Hang in there! And thanks for the positive post!!
I found your blog kind of randomly, but wanted to say thanks! What an excellent way of looking at one's body. (I've never been significantly overweight, but believe me, I deal with the same perception issues. So does everyone else. The 'I'd be happy with myself if I were skinny' thing is a complete lie.)
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