Friday, January 15, 2010

Who Is That Fatso In The Mirror?

I'm facing a bit of a disconnect.  I'm working out, I'm feeling great: strong and healthy.  So who is the fat bitch in my mirror?  I was honestly surprised yesterday when I got back from my workout and saw myself in the mirror as I was getting into the shower.  I don't feel like I weigh as much as I do; I feel better than I have in months, so why don't I look like I feel? 

I know it will take time to get my body to catch up to how I feel, but since my resolution was to be healthier, I suppose I'm meeting that resolution.  But, Body, please, please, please hurry up and catch up, I don't like seeing that fat bitch in my mirror.  Please can't we replace her with the skinny hottie that I know is lurking in there somewhere?


Anonymous said...

sigh. i say these things to myself every day. except the working out part. i haven't gotten there yet.

Dual Mom said...

It's funny that you wrote about this because I wore jeans to work today. I know, CNN will be calling any moment now.

But the reason this is sort of ironic is because when I put the jeans on, I felt like I should look better in them. But alas, the muffin top is still there.

Hang in there woman, the skinny train is comin and we soooo have first class tickets.

Daddy Hawk said...

Dear Lord, please save us from women and their body image issues.... Seriously, GunDiva. Skinny ain't anymore healthy than obese. If your husband is the man he should be, he loves what's in the package not just the package itself. If he does, don't complain. If he don't, well, you're armed and dangerous. Focus on being and feeling healthy and not trying to look like some fantasy version of what healthy "should" look like.

GunDiva said...

Ladies, I feel your pain.
K, The Queen is a lucky woman and the RockCrawlinChef doesn't care what I look like; it's just me.

GunDiva said...

Oh, and K, I have no desire to be "skinny", because I personally think skinny-flabby is worse than fat-flabby. But I won't complain when I'm out of the obese status on the BMI - diabetes runs in my family and I want to avoid it at all costs. The easiest way to avoid it is to not be obese.

Alisan said...

I know exactly how you feel. I am not strong willed enough to starve myself, and ephedra is supposedly not too good for us.(although god knows it works wonders). My kids tell me all the time "you are not fat mommy". It is the only time I think my kids are not too smart! Keep us updated ;)


okay I am just now reading comments emailed to me on december 22 so this may be a bit out of whack

thanks for looking me up from nath ray - love him

but i can't email a response to your comments b/c it isn't enabled in your profile. can you help a sister out?


thanks also for the yogurt info, now I know. And I totally bought the liquid antacid for her diaper rash. you are a wealth of knowledge my friend!