Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Family Members

I've been so busy that I forgot to mention our new family members!

On MLK Day, RockCrawlinChef brought home a cute little kitten, who he promptly named Scamp.  Scamp is part Ocecat, which makes him so very cute, and part Siamese, which makes him very mouthy.  The damn kitten has an opinion about everything and will get in your face to tell you about it.  He also thinks that pets are damn near orgasmic and just can't contain himself when he's being petted...

...you should see him when he gets petted with two hands - he starts to look like a Chuckle Buddy, rolling, rolling, he just can't help himself.

A month or so ago, Ashee-butt and I had a knock-down, drag-out fight about whether or not I'd allow her to get a dog.  After a day of her not speaking to me, her boyfriend suggested to her that maybe I'd let her get a hedgehog.  Can I just say that CJ is my hero?  'Cause he saved us both more very ugly fighting.  I think she thought that I'd tell her no to the hedgehog and allow her to get a dog instead.  Yeah, not so much.  She had her heart set on a hedgehog and was willing to pay for it (at least that's what her arguement was), so I said yes.  She spent a couple of weeks finding a breeder and researching them before we found a local breeder.  So, on Thursday, Dashurie (which Ashee-butt says means "love", but I'm pretty sure means "cuddle with a hay bale") joined the household.

She looks cuddly, but it really is like cuddling with a hay bale.  While I'm really loving Dash, I always feel like I've been stacking hay when I put her down.  I'm constantly checking my hands for the hay cuts I just know have to be there.


Anonymous said...

awww adorable :-)

Daddy Hawk said...

Scamp is ADORABLE!!!! I love cats. Not that I don't love dogs too, but cats have a special place in my heart. Ocecats are some of my favs. If you ever need a Scamp sitter, let me know. The hedgehog is cute, but what purpose does it serve other than not being a dog?

Dual Mom said...

A hedgehog? What made her want to get a hedgehog?

Wow, that's quite a cat!

GunDiva said...

K, Scamp may have to come live with you if he doesn't stop being so mouthy. Good God, that kitten has an opinion on everything!

DM, Her boyfriend apparently had them when he was younger and said they were cool pets. Thank God for him, 'cause I'd've hauled a puppy right off to the Humane Society if she'd brought one home. One large, very sheddy dog is plenty.

Allenspark Lodge said...

OK, the hedgehog is WAY COOL! I guess I've always preferred the slightly odd pets.

GunDiva said...

Geez, Bill, you think? Would that explain the bull snake, geese, and squirrel that were our pets growing up?