Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just Because We Can...

It's great having teenagers.  They're at the age that you can torture them in the name of making their parents laugh at the kids' discomfort.  Case in point...

Last Friday, RCC and I decided we'd run to dinner after a thing that the college was hosting.  As we were finishing up dinner, I looked at my phone and realized that it was after ten and that Ashee-butt hadn't contacted me yet, so I texted her.  Here's the text convo:

GD:  Where are you?
AB:  On my way.
GD: From?
AB: M's.
GD:  K
AB:  Is okay if they stay over?
GD: Say what?
AB:  Can they stay over
At this point, when the text came in I was busy paying the tab, so RCC took the phone and sent this message:

RCC as GD: We're having sex tonight
AB:  What?!?!
In no time at all, she called my phone:

AB: Moooooooooooooooommmmmmm! We were parked in front of the house and I was getting out of the car when you sent that to me.  I got back in the car and shut the door.  Why did you have to do that?
GD:  I don't know.  Why don't you talk to RCC about it?
AB:  Mooooooooooooooommmmmmm!  Why don't you guys just go to a cheap motel if you've got to do that!
GD:  Here, honey, why don't you talk to RCC?
I handed the phone to RCC so he could talk to her.  I only heard his side of the conversation, but it went something like this:

"Why would I pay when it's free to use my own bed?....They can stay, but you might want to warn them it might be a little loud...They'll have to bring some headphones or something...well, 'cause there might be some banging around.  It'll be loud...okay, see you later."
And, that, my dear followers, is just one reason why my children will be in therapy their entire adulthood!


Allenspark Lodge said...

Whoa! What goes around, comes around. Do you not remember when you girls were about that age, and I made just an innuendo about sex? You knew all about it - but heaven be disgraced that the parents could possibly think this was enjoyable! Yuck!!!

Way to shock the teens, RCC.

Rachel said...

Oh, you didn't?!?! Oy... I just know my kid is going to do something to deserve a similar prank someday!!! :)

Mrs. Mom said...


Love. It.

Totally ;)

Gabi said...

That's fantastic! I love it.

GunDiva said...

Probably should have saved it for a True Story Tuesday, but I've already got one scheduled for this week.

My poor kids. You should have seen their faces when RCC and I were dating and he told them he thought I was a MILF :) It was priceless.

Aunt Crazy said...

That sounds like something that happens at my house with teens all the time. It's only fun being the parent if you can have a little fun with the teenagers...hahahaha

Aunt Crazy said...

That sounds like something that happens at my house with teens all the time. It's only fun being the parent if you can have a little fun with the teenagers...hahahaha

Anonymous said...


That was really, really good!

Meg said...

I can't wait to torture my spawn that way!

Mr. Daddy said...

Thanks, I just spewed Green Tea all over my screen....

that is hilarious....

Unknown said...

I'm so glad my husband isn't the only one who does that to our teenagers.

brian said...

For reals!!?? That's hilarious!

Anonymous said...


jbirdscoop said...

Oh my gosh! I am learning so much about how to eventually cause my children to require lifelong counseling! Write on!

Candance said...

OMG, being able to do something like that to my kids one day is almost enough to make me want to date again. Almost, but not quite.