Saturday, September 18, 2010

Five Days and Counting...

Remember this?  When I took the leap way back in February and registered for the Writers' Police Academy, it seemed like it was forever away.

Now it's just around the corner and I'm starting to get excited/nervous about the trip.  One of my co-workers who is also a writer is going, too.  I even decided to ante up the money to go to the dinner with Jeffery Deaver.  You know, just me and the hundred other people who also forked out the money to dine "with" him.  I'm not sure I'd like to be in his position - you know, up on a pedestal with people watching my every move, asking the same questions everyone else has asked a million times and having to be "on" all the time.  Yet I still paid the money just so I can say that I dined with him (and the other hundred people) and had him sign my books.

I've been waffling about whether or not to take my laptop.  In my blogging heart I know I should, but my physical body says "oh hell no, that's just one more thing to lug around the airports".  So, the laptop stays.  I'll be off the grid for about five days starting on Thursday, but after looking at the schedule we're going to be following I'm pretty sure I'll be too exhausted to even open the laptop anyway (much like I recently have been).

I'm going old school to the WPA - I bought some ultra-fine tip multi-colored pens and a spiral notebook.  It's been a long time since I took notes by hand, and they may not be legible, but they sure will be pretty and colorful :)


Mr. Daddy said...

Yeah, you have been off the grid...
I thought maybe you had already left.

Have fun, you should have a lot to blog about when you get back....LOL

Mrs. Mom said...

Well if you aren't going to take the laptop, then you'd best take lots of pix so we can see things when you get back! ;)

Be ready to enjoy the sauna. It's a wee bit muggy and warm on this coast still!

Finding Pam said...

I hope you have a great time at the WPA. It sounds exciting.

Did you know that he is writing the next James Bond book?

Rachel said...

Whoo-hoo! How exciting for you!

But not taking your laptop? Isn't that breaking some kind of ultimate blogger rule or something?

And now I'm all freaked that you're gonna start critquing my writing... now that you're all edyukated with the big names and all...

Have a marvelous time!