Monday, August 15, 2011

With A Little Help From Bill

Allenspark Lodge said...

Let me help you start.
Once upon a time...
How 'bout
It was a dark and stormy night...
You got it, Bill.

It was a dark and stormy night... 

I was sleeping in a cot outside of the horses' pen, determined to catch the critter(s) that insisted on breaking the fences. Armed with a flashlight, shotgun and one mother of a case of PMS, I was ready.

I would have sworn my eyes had just closed when I heard the scuffling sound of critters along the fence line.  My eyes flew open, and I reached for the shotgun, searching the shadows for the source of the noise.  Finding an indescript large shadow looming over the fence, I attempted to shoulder the shotgun only to have it flop at my side when my left arm refused to cooperate.

My cries of "DAMN YOU, EL POQUITO DIABLO!" succeeded in scaring off the critters.  Cursing loudly at the Little Bastard El Poquito Diablo for torturing me at the gym, I broke down the cot and dragged my gear back to the house, where I slept in a warm and comfortable bed.

The End


Allenspark Lodge said...

Is there a sequel in the works?


Rachel said...

You guys are a dangerous team...

And I vote give up the weekly nap to give the masses their blog posts :)

Killlashandra said...

WAHAHAHAHA! We used to blame things like that on the possum. ;)